킹덕's 두뇌활동

the cranberries - ode to my family 본문


the cranberries - ode to my family

킹덕 2018. 5. 20. 22:55

Understand the things I say

Don't turn away from me

'Cause I spent half my life out there

You wouldn't disagree

D'you see me, d'you see?

Do you like me, do you like me standing there?

D'you notice, d'you notice?

Do you see me, do you see me?

Does anyone care?


Unhappiness was when I was young

And we didn't give a damn

'Cause we were raised

To see life as fun and take it if we can

My mother, my mother, she hold me

Did she hold me when I was out there?

My father, my father, he liked me

Oh, he liked me, does anyone care?


Understand what I've become

It wasn't my design

And people everywhere think

Something better than I am

But I miss you, I miss

'Cause I liked it, 'cause I liked it

When I was out there

D'you know this, d'you know?

You did not find me, you did not find

Does anyone care?


Unhappiness was when I was young

And we didn't give a damn

'Cause we were raised

To see life as fun and take it if we can

My mother, my mother, she hold me

Did she hold me when I was out there?

My father, my father, he liked me

Oh, he liked me, does anyone care?

Does anyone care?

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